rueda de alambre
Hogar rueda de alambre

Clip type wire wheel

Clip type wire wheel

Clamped wire wheels greatly increase the service life by increasing the density of the wire, thus significantly reducing the cost of ownership.

  • Color :

  • Filamento :

    Carbon Steel Wire, Stainless Steel Wire, Brass Wire...
  • Centro :

    Stainless Steel, Galvanized Steel
  • Característica :

    Polishing, deburring
  • Detalles del producto

Wire Wheel Brushes manufacturer


Rolling Industrial Spiral Wire Brush adopts winding or clip type assembly. The steel wire materials include copper-plated steel wire, galvanized steel wire, stainless steel wire, high manganese steel wire, etc.


Wire Wheel



  • Wire Wheel The use of sheet-type assembly greatly increases the density of the steel wire, thus achieving a long service life and wear-resistant effects




Steel plate grinding and polishing, weld grinding, wood floor brushing, aluminum plate grinding, etc.


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Clip type wire wheel
Clip type wire wheel
Clamped wire wheels greatly increase the service life by increasing the density of the wire, thus significantly reducing the cost of ownership.
DIRECCIÓN : No. 33, Jianyuan Road, Industrial Park, Yuantan Town, Qianshan County, Anqing City, Anhui Province
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